الورقات العلمية الصادرة عن هيئة الطاقة الذرية

 2694 Papers since 1978       last update 1/1/2025


عنوان الورقة المجلة /المؤتمر المعدون القسم سنة النشر Abs
Gamma rays role in the improvement of yield and early maturity in soybean2nd Arab Conference On The Peaceful Uses of Atomic EnergyN MirAli Molecular biology and biothecnology1994
Design and Operation of Nd-Glass LaserProceedings Of the second Internat , Conference Laser in Science and technologyM Hammadi,  A Hussein,  S Gabi,   M Soukieh Physics1994
On The Tidal Symmetry in 7 Li Scattering From 54 Fe At 50 MeV8th International Symposium On Polarization Phenomena In Nuclear Physics I Khudeir Physics1994
Accumulation of dry matter and nitrogen in the developing seeds of high protein mutant lines of triticum aestivum (L.) produced by the IAEACereal Research CommunicationsN MirAli ,   I Nabulsi Molecular biology and biothecnology1994
Effects of gamma irradiation on cell-wall constituents of some agricultural residuesRadiation Physics and ChemistryM R Al-Masri ,   M Zarkawi Agriculture1994
Gamma irradiation induced mutations in garlicProc. ESNAN MirAli ,  M I E Arabi ,   B Al SafadiMolecular biology and biothecnology1994
Continuous purification of 223Fr from its decay products on a nickel hexacyanoferrate(II) composite ion exchangerRadiochimica Acta A Abdul-Hadi Chemistry1994
Applicability of annular-source excited systems in quantitative XRF AnalysisX-Ray Spectrometry A Mahmod Protection and safety1994
Effects of anoxia during gamma irradiation of face fly fertility and viability (Diptera: Muscidae)Journal of Medical Entomology M Mansour ,  E. S Krafsur,  J.A MutchmorAgriculture1994
Semiclassical expansions of the relativistic nuclear Hartree-Fock theory at finite tempertureJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics S Haddad Physics1994