الورقات العلمية الصادرة عن هيئة الطاقة الذرية

 2694 Papers since 1978       last update 1/1/2025


عنوان الورقة المجلة /المؤتمر المعدون القسم سنة النشر Abs
High molecular weight glutenin subunit composition of local and introduced cultivars and advanced lines of Triticum aestivum (L.) in SyriaProc. ESNAN MirAli Molecular biology and biothecnology1994
Phototransferred thermoluminescence (PTTL) in LiF (Mg, Cu, P) (GR-200) Radiation Measurements M H Kharita ,  R Stokes,  S DurraniProtection and safety1994
SZILARD-CHALMERS Effect in solid HIO4.2H2O by neutron irradiation (source - reactor)2nd Arab Conference On The Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy S Takriti Chemistry1994
Investigation of chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes of Syrian phosphate miners2nd Arab Conference On The Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy W Al-Achkar ,   M Othman Molecular biology and biothecnology1994
Effects of gamma irradiation and sodium hydroxide on cell-wall constituents of some agricultural residues2nd Arab Conference On The Peaceful Uses of Atomic EnergyM R Al-Masri Agriculture1994
المجلة العربية للعلوم S Takriti Chemistry1993
On the Synthesis of Carbodiimide, HN=C=NHJournal of Chemical Research A W Allaf ,  R SuffolkChemistry1993
Interchain coupling and optical absorption in degenerate and nondegenerate polymersPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials PhysicsJ Blackman,   M K Sabra Physics1993
Effects of gamma irradiation on the bulk and track etching properties of celluluose nitrate (Daicel 6000) and CR-39 plasticsNuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements R Shweikani ,  S Durrani,  T TsurutaProtection and safety1993
Determination of Radon-222 and Radium-226 in Water Samples by Cerenkov CountingAnalyst, TheR Blackburn,  M S Al-Masri Protection and safety1993