الورقات العلمية الصادرة عن هيئة الطاقة الذرية

 2694 Papers since 1978       last update 1/1/2025


عنوان الورقة المجلة /المؤتمر المعدون القسم سنة النشر Abs
Study of the Dose and Distribution of Tc-99m MDP in Various Bones.International Symposium on Medical Radionuclides ImagingI Othman Protection and safety1980
Neutron Activation Analysis of Hair from Breast Cancer Patients. Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Methods in Environmental and Energy Research4th International Conference on Nuclear Methods in Environmental and Energy ResearchI Othman Protection and safety1980
Comparison of Breast Tissues Using Neutron Activation and Electron MicroscopyTransactions of the American Nuclear SocietyI Othman Protection and safety1979
Ultrastructure and Comparison of Breast Classification Using Electron Microscopy and Micro probability AnalysisEuroanalysis III Dublin - IrelandI Othman Protection and safety1978