AECS Institutional Repository of published papers

 2694 Papers since 1978       last update 1/1/2025


Title Journal / Conf Authors Dept Year Abs
The Impact of Inoculation of Two Strains of Rhizobacteria on Radionuclide Transfer in Sesbania GrandifloraBulletin of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyM S Al-Masri ,  M I E Arabi ,   A Al-Daoude,  A Adam,  Y Amin,   A Shoaib ,  H KhaliliProtection and safety2024
Effect of Infection of Potato Plants by Phytophthora infestans on Pathway Signaling of TUB and PR5 GenesJournal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry A Al-Daoude,   A Shoaib ,   M Jawhar Molecular biology and biothecnology2024
Deposition of ZnO thin films with different powers using RF magnetron sputtering method: Structural, electrical and optical studyHeliyon B Abdallah,  W Zetoun,  A TelloPhysics2024
Thermal lens investigation of the CdSe quantum dots using dual beam z-scan techniqueResults in Optics M D Zidan ,  A Allahham,  A Ghanem,  N Mousa,   B Abdallah,  A Al SalmanPhysics2024
Silicon Root Irrigation Enhances Barley Resistance to Fusarium Head BlightJournal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry N Sakr Agriculture2024
Thermal lens measurement of Oxotrichlorobis(triphenylphosphine)rhenium(V) by CW laser beamJournal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials M D Zidan ,   M Al Ktaifani ,  A AllahhamPhysics2024
Chemical and Molecular Characterization of Three Plant Species from Lamiacaeae that Grow in SyriaPakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial ResearchGh Tayoub,  F Mohammad,   N Haider Molecular biology and biothecnology2024
Thermochemical energy storage using calcium oxideJournal of Scientific and Engineering Research M ChahoudScientific services2024
Evaluation of the Signal and Noise of Readout Electronics for Radiation Detector by Using MATLAB Simulation ProgramJournal of Circuits, Systems and ComputersJ D Assaf ,  Z Ahmad,   K Skeiker Scientific services2024
Simulation of Readout Electronics for Nuclear Radiation Detector Using MATLAB ProgramNuclear TechnologyJ D Assaf ,  Z AhmadScientific services2024