AECS Institutional Repository of published papers

 2694 Papers since 1978       last update 1/1/2025


Title Journal / Conf Authors Dept Year Abs
Merging and fractal techniques applied on gamma-ray spectrometric datasets for characterizing the radionuclide distribution in SyriaJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry J Asfahani Geology2024
Relationship between resistance and tolerance responses of barley DH lines to Pyrenophora gramineaJournal of Agroalimentary Processes and TechnologiesE Al-Shehadah,  M I E Arabi ,   M Jawhar Molecular biology and biothecnology2024
Effect of laser powers and sample positions on the self-diffraction ring patterns in CdSe quantum dots solutionOptik M D Zidan ,  A Allahham,  A Ghanem,  N Mousa,   B Abdallah,  A Al SalmanPhysics2024
Multimode gradient-index fiber coated with a blend of PEG and PVP as a humidity sensorResults in OpticsM Al Mezel,   M B Alsous ,   B Abbas ,  K Aljoumaa,  B Assfour ,  N Mousa,  I AssaadPhysics2024
Inactivation of Microorganisms and Potato Tuber Moth Eggs and Pupae Using a Dielectric Barrier Discharge PlasmaJournal of Stress Physiology & BiochemistrySh Al-Hawat ,   G Saour ,  A Al Mariri Physics2024
Unidimensional and Bidimensional Beam Expander Effects on the OutputPower and Spectral Bandwidth of a Dye LaserIranian Journal of Science M B Alsous ,  K AlmetaebPhysics2024
Preparation of neutron activated concrete reference material for gamma‑ray spectrometry measurementJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear ChemistryKh Haddad ,  M S Al-Masri ,   A H Al-Rayyes,  L Kaddour,  Y Al-KhatibProtection and safety2024
Reference values of essential haematological parameters in Damascus does and bucks throughout the yearArchiva Zootechnica M Zarkawi ,  A SoukoutiAgriculture2024
Vertical electrical sounding for characterizing subsurface tectonic features and their impacts on groundwater occurrences: a case study of basaltic Jbab uplifting in southern SyriaWater Practice and Technology J Asfahani Geology2024
Suitable methods for storage of Fusarium head blight, spot blotch and common root rot pathogens for extended periodsJournal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies N Sakr Agriculture2024