Scientific Departments


The Physics Department was established in 1976 with the establishment of the atomic energy commission. Since that time, the Department is interested in transferring and localization of new high technologies in all fields of physics. Several types of laser systems (gas lasers “CO2”, solid state laser “Nd-YAG”, dye lasers and optical fiber lasers) were built to be used in different subjects, such as: laser spectroscopy, photoluminescence, thin film laser deposition, optical limiting and nonlinear optics phenomena. In addition, thermal vapors devices, magnetron devices, plasma focus device and ozone generator were manufactured in the Physics Department. Performing a new researches have also led to the localization of many techniques such as electron beam gun, RHEED, Raman micro microscope, solar cell manufacturing device, laser scratch, optical response, radio hollow cathode plasma and planetary ball mill that help to obtain nano-grade granules (nanotechnological uses). Moreover, new advanced and precision technologies such as: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), linear accelerator and surface analysis (XPS) were installed as very important tools to help the researchers in their scientific works.

The entire researches group will cooperate with each other to perform new researches within the AEC plan based on the following sectors:
Topic 1 : Solar Energy - Solar Cells.
Topic 2 : Nuclear physics and theory.
Topic 3: Nano technology.
Topic 4: Lasers and nonlinear optics.
Topic 5 : Physics and Materials Science.
Topic 6 : Plasma Physics.
Topic 7 : Energy planning and analysis.


The Physics Department was established in 1976 with the establishment of the atomic energy commission. Since that time, the Department is interested in transferring and localization of new high technologies in all fields of physics. Several types of laser systems (gas lasers “CO2”, solid state laser “Nd-YAG”, dye lasers and optical fiber lasers) were built to be used in different subjects, such as: laser spectroscopy, photoluminescence, thin film laser deposition, optical limiting and nonlinear optics phenomena. In addition, thermal vapors devices, magnetron devices, plasma focus device and ozone generator were manufactured in the Physics Department. Performing a new researches have also led to the localization of many techniques such as electron beam gun, RHEED, Raman micro microscope, solar cell manufacturing device, laser scratch, optical response, radio hollow cathode plasma and planetary ball mill that help to obtain nano-grade granules (nanotechnological uses). Moreover, new advanced and precision technologies such as: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), linear accelerator and surface analysis (XPS) were installed as very important tools to help the researchers in their scientific works.

The entire researches group will cooperate with each other to perform new researches within the AEC plan based on the following sectors:

Topic 1 : Solar Energy - Solar Cells.
Topic 2 : Nuclear physics and theory.
Topic 3 : Nano technology.
Topic 4 : Lasers and nonlinear optics.
Topic 5 : Physics and Materials Science.
Topic 6 : Plasma Physics.
Topic 7 : Energy planning and analysis.


The interest of Chemistry Department with all its different scientific divisions: (Physical, Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic Synthesis, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Chemical Technologies and Polymer Chemistry) is concerned on two main scientific areas: Research and Development, RD and providing analytical services to internal and external customers.

The main topics of research and development in the chemistry department:

Topic 1 : Applications of the cloudy point techniques using various surfactants for toxic pollutants removal in water
Topic 2 : Development of ceramic thin films, catalysts, Metal–organic framework, MOF materials, polymeric films compound for hydrogen production, separation and storage membrane production for pharmaceutical and environmental applications, renewable energies and fuel cells development.
Topic 3 : Separation methods development and identification of chemical elements and compositions, ion exchangers and nanomaterials manufactures and studying their behavior in nature.
Topic 4 : Development of analytical methods: molecular and atomic, theoretical calculations and their properties.
Topic 5 : Chemistry of nanomaterials, nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, graphene, and their composite and applications, manufacture of new organometallic compounds and their characterization for photovoltaic, electronic, nonlinear optical properties, environmental and energy applications, development and preparation of ionic liquids for chemical separation processes and synthesis.
Topic 6 : Extraction of rare earth elements from solid and liquid waste sources and research and development on recycled of different materials.
Topic 7 : Archeology: organic, dating, inorganic identification studies and analysis.
Analytical Service techniques :
Topic 8 : Elemental Analysis, EA Atomic Absorption, AA (flame & graphite), X-ray Florescence, XRF, Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS
Topic 9 : Molecular spectroscopic analysis, FTIR, Raman, UV-Vis, Electron-microscope NMR: (1H , 13 C)
Topic 10 : Different Chromatographic Analysis: HPLC, GC, GC-MS, HRGC-MS, HPLC Preparative
Topic 11 : Morphology Analysis: Porosity and Specific Surface Area, X-ray Diffraction, XRD
Topic 12 : Thermal analysis: Differential Thermal Analysis
Topic 13 : Contact Angle Measuring System

The various scientific divisions in the department of chemistry implement work in the following directions: In the field of scientific research and development, RD the department concerns with the theoretical, applied and basic research in the most fields of chemistry, in particular: physical, analytical, organic, inorganic, synthesis, nuclear and radiochemistry, chemical technologies, chemistry and polymer technology, the research is also focused on hydrogen production storage and development of hydrogen fuel cell.

Department of Chemistry is also interested in atomic and molecular spectroscopy, medicinal plants, extraction, identifications, chemical synthesis, and research in different nanomaterials through their manufacture and studying their properties and applications. The department is also responsible for providing analytical services to public and private sector inside Syria; in addition, carrying out all necessary analysis requirements for students who are doing postgraduate studies at public and private Universities.


Topic 1 : Production of 99Mo/ 99mTc generators and different cold kits to be labelled with 99mTc
Topic 2 : Production of positron emitters radioisotopes like 18F and their radiolabeled compounds like ( 18FDG)
Topic 3 : Production of Gamma emitters radioisotopes and their radiopharmaceuticals like 67Ga-citrate 201TICI , 123INa , 123ImIBG ,
Topic 4 : Production of theranostic radioisotopes like 186RE , 64CU and their radiopharmaceuticals like 64 Cu-DOTATATE
Topic 5 : Production of 90Y and its radiopharmaceuticals
Topic 6 : Development of new target and automated synthesis system for positron emitters and radiopharmaceuticals.
Topic 7 : Design and enforcement of new automated system for the production of PET and SPECT radiopharmaceuticals.
Topic 8 : Production of 131I radiopharmaceuticals to be used in diagnosis and treatment of different diseases.
Topic 9 : Development of new generation of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and treatment of different diseases.
Topic 10 : Development and synthesis of new chemical compounds for radiopharmaceuticals applications.


The general activities of the Agriculture Department are to improve agricultural practices using nuclear and related techniques by evaluating the interactional relationships among soil, water, plant and air. These activities are designed to increase the production of the most important economic crops under rain-fed and irrigated conditions, in mono and mixed cropping systems and crop rotation, to utilize marginal land and water; to conserve and sustain natural resources; and to rehabilitate salt affected lands using bio-saline approach. Furthermore, to save water and fertilizer requirements by improving their use efficiencies. Increasing and improving animal productivity, feed utilization efficiency and reproductive performance of indigenous breeds of small ruminants are also under investigation. The work also involves the determination and monitoring naturally-occurring and synthetic anabolic hormones and other veterinary drugs residues in animal products. The Department is also interested in crop protection against insect pests, pathogens and disinfestations of stored products and quarantine treatments.

The activities of the scientific research are characterized by an integrated approach where the following nuclear techniques are extensively utilized:
• Gamma irradiation is used in pest control and to improve the quality and productivity of economical crops, to improve the metabolisable and digestible energy of unconventional feeds and to evaluate the nutritive value of agricultural residues.
• Using 15N to study symbiotic biological N2 fixation, efficient use of chemical and organic N fertilizers and microbial protein production in ruminants.
• Carbon isotope discrimination D13 C is used as an indicator of yield and water use efficiency of plant species and genotypes grown under abiotic stress conditions.
• Neutron scattering technique is used for soil moisture measurements, to assess crop water use efficiencies, crops water requirements, and irrigation scheduling for conventional and new irrigation methods.
• Radioimmunoassay is used to improve the productive and reproductive performance of indigenous small ruminants.

All Divisions which consist the Agriculture Department, are closely and efficiently cooperate to perform all research and studies under the strategic plan of the AEC which are:

Topic 1 : Stable isotopes are used to evaluate the performance of different plant genotypes, to quantify biological nitrogen fixation and fertilizer use efficiency in agricultural crops grown under various environmental conditions and different agricultural systems.
Topic 2 : The role of locally isolated soil microorganisms (e.g., mycorrhizal fungi) in plant productivity improvement under various stress conditions.
Topic 3 : Assessment of water requirements and irrigation scheduling of agricultural crops to rationalize the use of irrigation water, evaluation of different irrigation methods and developing of modern irrigation systems and techniques.
Topic 4 : Assessment of the nutritive values of feedstuff resources, and studying the animal physiology and husbandry.
Topic 5 : Determination and monitoring of the different veterinary drug residues, including naturally-occurring and synthetic hormones, beta agonists, growth promoters and antibiotics in blood and animal products.
Topic 6 : Crop and agricultural commodities protection against insect pests and pathogens, quarantine treatments and insect disinfestations of stored products, and integrated pest management utilizing related irradiation techniques.
Topic 7 : Developing of different techniques related to plant pathogen behaviors, selection pressure and evaluation of disease infection susceptibility.


The Department of Geology, which includes four Divisions:
1. Geology and Nuclear Ores
2. Applied Geophysics
3. Seismic Studies
4. Isotope Hydrology

is focusing on conducting research studies in relation with monitoring the radioactivity and tectonic motions in the Syrian lands, monitoring the concentration of radon gas in water and soil, carrying out geochemical surveys of rocks and sediments, studying shallow subsurface structures with the aim of detecting caves, gaps and potential locations for water leakage from dam bodies, monitoring and recording current seismicity, measuring compounds of current and ancient geomagnetic field, as well as the application of environmental isotope technique in assessing the properties of surface and groundwater resources in various aquifer systems.

The different Divisions in this department cooperate between each other to conduct research activities and studies that fit well within the general strategic plan of AECS in the field of Earth Sciences, namely concentrated on the following specific axes:

Topic 1 : Survey and data processing of radioactivity, exploration of nuclear materials and ors, and monitoring of radon concentration levels in Syrian waters and soils
Topic 2 : Studying the geoelectrical and vibrational properties of shallow depth sites
Topic 3 : Studying caves, karst systems, and water leakage problems from dams
Topic 4 : Monitoring changes of the geomagnetic field in Syria
Topic 5 : Monitoring current seismic activity and ancient seismicity
Topic 6 : Studying the response of current seismicity of buildings and estimating the dynamic properties of sites and establishments
Topic 7 : Monitoring the chemical and isotopic compositions of precipitation, surface water, and groundwater in the different systems in Syria
Topic 8 : Studying water pollution and climate change effects on surface and groundwater resources in Syria

Control activities - Seismic network :
The Department of Geology is interested in studying plate movements, recent tectonic activity, and earthquakes resulting from these movements. Accordingly, this department has a group of seismic stations distributed in specific sites and generally used to record (analog and digital recording) small and large earthquakes, and link them to the tectonic activity occurring along the main faults in Syria.

Within this approach, the Geology Department is concerned in:
1- Recording earthquakes and interpreting their levels, and linking them to the tectonic activity in full cooperation with the national authorities.
2- Studying the historical seismicity.
3- Investigating the activity of new tectonics along the main faults in Syria.

The Geology Department is recently setting up a seismic catalog for Syria. This catalog will be published in the near future for the benefit of scientists who are interested in such information in their geological and geo-engineering works.

Radiation Protection

Department of Protection and Safety is considered one of the most important scientific departments in the atomic energy commissions including the Syrian Atomic Energy Commission. So, the department was established with the establishment of the Commission in 1976. The Department of Protection and Safety is responsible for implementing the protection and safety measures that are the responsibility of the Atomic Energy Commission under the law of its establishment, which includes responsibility for Protection of workers in the field of radiation in the commission's laboratories and various other activities in state institutions or private institutions, in addition to monitoring the Syrian environment from the radiological point of view. The department also provides advice and technical assistance to everyone who needs it inside the country, and helps in setting up the regulations, instructions and legislation necessary to ensure human and environmental safety.Technical assistance consists of monitoring, radiological surveying, repair and development of measuring devices, calibration, and advice on methods of using radioactive sources and protection from their damages.

Different sections in the department cooperate to conduct research and studies according to specific topics within the strategic plan of the Commission, and the topics are:

Topic 1: Detection of radioactive contamination and its treatment and protection of the Environment
Topic 2: : Protection from ionizing radiation and radiation safety
Topic 3: Protection from non-ionizing radiation
Topic 4: Informatics, Quality and Teaching
Topic 5: Radioactive Waste Management

Different sections in the department follow up all topics to ensure safe use of nuclear technologies in the country and protection of the public and environment.

Molecular biology and Bio-technology

The Department was established in the year 2000, and gained soon (2004) the status of an Affiliated Center to the International Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) representing the Syrian Arab Republic

It is consisted of seven Divisions namely:
1. Biochemistry &Toxicology.
2. Biopesticides & Biostimulants.
3. Human Genetics.
4. Microbiology and Immunology.
5. Medical Molecular Biology.
6. Plant Biotechnology.
7. Plant Pathology

Scientists in the Department cooperate to carry out their research studies according to specific axes that are already placed in the strategic plan of AECS. These can be summarized as follows:

Topic 1 : The employment of molecular markers and fingerprinting techniques as tools for identifying the genes and proteins that are responsible for resistance/ susceptibility in some important diseases and their use in the improvement of agricultural crops.
Topic 2 : Production of recombinant proteins for drug use.
Topic 3 : Antibodies production and utilization of Polyclonal, Monoclonal and Nanobodies.
Topic 4 : The employment of molecular biology techniques in Biodiversity studies of economically important plants
Topic 5 : Detection of Food contaminants, and Food fraud.
Topic 6 : Studies on toxicological effects of environmental persistent organic pollutants on plants and animals.
Topic 7 : Understanding the molecular mechanisms that modulate the biosynthesis of fungal toxins.
Topic 8 : Development and production of enzymatic compounds for industrial, agricultural and medical applications.
Topic 9 : Studies on the induction of plant defense against pest (Biological control), and inducing systemic resistance (ISR).
Topic 10 : Development of effective vaccines to eradicate the factors that cause Animal and human diseases.
Topic 11 : Preparing Nano particles via biological approaches in order to use it as Anti-microbes.
Topic 12 : Detection of several genetic and carcinogenetic diseases, leukemia that are accompanied with mutations or chromosomal aberrations.
Topic 13 : Prenatal diagnoses for some genetic disease malformation.
Topic 14 : Assessment of risk factors via testing chromosomal aberrations in the employees who deal with radiation, chemical or other occupational exposure.

Nuclear medicine

The use of Nuclear Technology in the medical field is one of the most important and promising fields in which the nuclear and radiation technology has proven remarkable merit. The radiation medicine department at the Syrian atomic energy commission, with its various scientific divisions is trying to consolidate the uses of nuclear and radiation technologies in the medical field, with a major focus on developing nuclear medicine in Syria and investigating cancer by various laboratory and imaging methods. It also focuses on using different technologies to study different nutritional disorders and their health effects in Syria. In addition to using molecular diagnosis of some genetic diseases and detecting many of the oncogenes.

The various divisions in the department cooperate to carry out research and studies according to specific axes within the IAEA´S strategic plan, which are:

Topic 1 : The applications of radiopharmaceuticals labeled with positron and gamma emitters for diagnosis of various diseases.
Topic 2 : The applications of different technologies to study nutritional disorders and their health effects.
Topic 3 : Determination of some trace and toxic elements in blood components and tissues in various diseases based on different analytical methods.
Topic 4 : The applications of the tumour markers and biomarkers in early detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and follow-up of diseases mainly cancers.
Topic 5 : Determination of the role biomarkers in tracing the biological and clinical effects of radiation exposure.
Topic 6 : The molecular diagnosis for some genetic diseases in humans, and related genetic consultations.
Topic 7 : The molecular characterization of cancer for early detection and evaluating response to therapy.
Topic 8 : Studying the biological effects of radiation.
Topic 9 : The clinical an laboratory evaluation of radiation workers
Topic 10 : Diagnosis of osteoporosis in referred patients.

Radiation technology

Radiation Technology Department was established in 1998 for updating the radiation technology and its applications.

The different divisions in the department are cooperated to carry out research and studies according to specific amiss within the strategic plan of the Syrian Atomic Energy Commission,

Topic 1 : Safety of Food and water.
Topic 2: Improving the industrial properties of food.
Topic 3 : Effect of environmental factors on packaging materials used in contact with food and water and their impact on public health.
Topic 4 : Environment, climate, water, protection from ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, radiation/nuclear safety and environmental protection.
Topic 5 : Use of radiation treatment in the preparation, manufacture and development of membranes, mixtures, polymeric and biological materials for various applications.
Topic 6 : Treatment and reuse of polymeric, natural and industrial agricultural waste.
Topic 7 : Preparation and development of dosimeters and radio indicators.
Topic 8 : Control of irradiation treatment by measuring the microbial load in the products to be irradiated and also determinate the irradiation dose needed.
Topic 9 : Investing the radiology units in the department in research and commercial terms.
Topic 10 : Maintenance and development of radiation treatment units.
Topic 11 : Preparing amniotic membrane grafts to treat burns, wounds, corneal ulcers, and other indications.
Topic 12 : Medical Hydrogel uses in the external treatment of wounds and burns

Scientific services

Technical and scientific activities related to research and development in the fields of electronic systems, applied mathematics, computer modeling and simulations, in-house software development, renewable energies and non-destructive testing. The department is also tasked with maintenance and repair jobs of laboratory scientific equipment, electric, electronic and computer hardware and software. In addition, the department is responsible for classification and Indexing literature published by AECS in the forms of internal reports, published research papers. The department acts as a liaison office with IAEA INIS by which it surveys and prepares national input on behalf on national academia and research, and participation in the International Nuclear Library Network (INLN) In cooperation with the IAEA Library.

Main topics of interest

Topic 1 : Research and development in the field of ionizing radiation on electronic components.
Topic 2 : Design and production of electronic systems and interfacing circuitry.
Topic 3 : Development of software tools in the area of applied mathematics and statistics
Topic 4 : Research and development in the field of Artificial intelligence and information and network security
Topic 5 : Improving the efficiency of solar thermal energy systems and associated semi-conductor materials
Topic 6 : Research and development in the field of modeling and simulations
Topic 7 : Wind energy systems and H production for fuel cells
Topic 8 : Performing NDT for material in industry
Topic 9 : NDT Licensing procedures according to international standards
Topic 10 : Developing and updating the content of intranet and internet portals of AEC
Topic 11 : Preparing, classification, and indexing of AECS literature
Topic 12 : Participation in the International Nuclear Library Network (INLN)

Technical services

The department is responsible for technical and technological duties related to AEC buildings and scientific equipment. We cover the blue-print designs of buildings and utilization, maintenance and repair of electric, HVAC, uninterruptible power supply systems, and auxiliary power generation equipment.

Research and studies are conducted in the following fields:

Topic 1 : Manufacturing of hot cells, Pb shields and containers required for safe storage and transport of radioactive materials
Topic 2 : Maintenance and repairs of scientific equipment and laboratory tools
Topic 3 : Designs and maintenance of AEC buildings and supervision of the execution stages
Topic 4 : Operation and maintenance of electric and mechanical systems such as HVAC, UPS, Gen-Sets, elevators, firefighting systems, automation and control systems.
Topic 5 : Development and utilization of computer and telephony networks and associated equipment and services.
Topic 6 : Maintenance and repair of network attached peripherals such as servers, printers, fax machines, routers, modems, etc.
Topic 7 : Development and maintenance of radioactive material detectors and equipment.
Topic 8 : Production of liquid Nitrogen and manufacturing and repair of various laboratory glassware.

Nuclear engineering

The Nuclear Engineering Department in the Syrian Atomic Energy Commission has five divisions: Operation and Maintenance of the MNSR reactor, Reactor Physics, Reactor safety, Nuclear applications and Nuclear energy.

The tasks of the divisions in the department are to conduct scientific researches in the following topics:

Topic 1 : Neutronic design of the MNSR.
Topic 2 : Thermohydrollic design of the MNSR.
Topic 3 : Using the nuclear power plant for sea water desalination.
Topic 4 : Neutron Activation Analysis using the MNSR.
Topic 5 : Selection the best nuclear power plant suitable for our country in the future.